As Renee struggles to accept a profound change in her existence, she finds her family targeted by two separate groups of vampire hunters, as well as enemies of their own kind. Gil and his compatriots vanish by making use of a backwater in the stream of time, only to be replaced by hunters who plunge the already divided vampire enclave of Abbey Keep into chaos through abduction and murder. Meanwhile, Gil is poised to pop back into existence just when he’s not expected, bringing with him a crew of killers determined to turn Abbey Keep into a pile of radioactive rubble.
Katherine X. Rylien began writing fiction as a teenager, in spiral-bound notebooks (her teachers assumed she was taking notes). She completed the first draft of Blood Relations, recounting the early life of Renee Cadieux-Smith, in 1980. Over the next decade, she wrote two sequels, Vicissitudes and Revisitations.
Forty years later, after a plethora of other adventures, Katherine took these hand-written manuscripts down from the attic during the Covid-19 pandemic. 2020 saw a complete rewrite of all three volumes, with considerable revision for style and detail, yet Renee’s story is essentially unchanged. In the process of preparing the trilogy for publication, Katherine became convinced that there was a forth book in the series—her answer to the question, “What happens next?”
Katherine is also the author of Vampire Dreams, a collection of short stories. If you enjoy her work, she'd love to hear from you at [email protected]. Or connect on Facebook. She rarely turns down a friend invite, unless it’s that rich, lonely widower whose backstory is so suspiciously lacking in detail ;-)