Conducted in dance halls, dressing rooms, parking lots, clubs-wherever the musicians could take time to tell their stories-the interviews are refreshingly spontaneous and vivid. Hudson draws out the songwriters on such topics as the sources of their songs, the influence of other musicians on their work, the progress of their careers, and the nature of Texas music. Many common threads emerge from these stories, while the uniqueness of each songwriter becomes equally apparent. To round out the collection, Hudson interviews Larry McMurtry and Darrell Royal for their perspectives as longtime friends and fans of Texas musicians. She also includes a brief biography and discography of each songwriter.
These interviews form part of a larger collection archived at the Texas Heritage Music Foundation in Kerrville, which Kathleen Hudson founded and directs. She is also a Professor of English at Schreiner University, where she writes and teaches about the creative process, mythology, rhetoric, drama, and the power of storytelling.