Whether you are a small business, a network marketer, or a professional salesman, prospects that have been pre-sold by your personal networking group make your business easy and enjoyable. Forget cold leads, cold-calling, expensive advertising and lukewarm referrals. Leave the world of hard prospecting behind and start your own personal networking group. Have your fellow members bring new, pre-sold customer and prospects to you weekly.
The best salesmen and the best business owners have strong personal networks.
Our relationships are the most important lead generation tool we have. Our best long-term strategy is to build a personal networking group where we are the organizer, and the focus of all of our members.
Start SuperNetworking makes this process simple with five easy steps.
Step #1 is finding the best place to meet.
Step #2 is how to invite your members.
Step #3 is training your members to pre-sell you and your business.
Step #4 is how you will set the example for your members.
Step #5 is duplicating your personal networking group to expand your business.
Once you have this business model in place, you will never go back to the old ways of prospecting, advertising and marketing your business again.
Use these tested, clear techniques to build your personal networking group, and then everything else is easy. If you are a leader, a business owner, a salesman, a multilevel marketer, or someone who needs more leads and pre-sold prospects, this book is for you.
Order your copy now!
Keith Schreiter has 20+ years of experience in network marketing and MLM. He shows network marketers how to use simple systems to build a stable and growing business.
So, do you need more prospects? Do you need your prospects to commit instead of stalling? Want to know how to engage and keep your group active? If these are the types of skills you would like to master, you will enjoy his “how-to” style.
Keith speaks and trains in the U.S., Canada, and Europe.
Tom “Big Al” Schreiter has 40+ years of experience in network marketing and MLM. As the author of the original “Big Al” training books in the late ‘70s, he has continued to speak in over 80 countries on using the exact words and phrases to get prospects to open up their minds and say “YES.”
His passion is marketing ideas, marketing campaigns, and how to speak to the subconscious mind in simplified, practical ways. He is always looking for case studies of incredible marketing campaigns that give usable lessons.
As the author of numerous audio trainings, Tom is a favorite speaker at company conventions and regional events.