1 - Age of Discovery: The epoch often referred to as The Age of Discovery, alternatively known as The Age of Exploration, characterizes a pivotal era spanning the transition from the 15th century to the 18th century in European history. It was a time brimming with maritime expeditions led by intrepid European sailors, venturing into uncharted territories across the globe.
Foremost among these adventurers were the Portuguese and Spanish, whose expansive voyages overseas left an indelible mark on European culture. Notably, their encounters with and subsequent colonization of the Americas signified a profound shift in global dynamics. This era also witnessed the ascendancy of colonialism as a prevailing governmental doctrine in various European realms, earning it the moniker of the inaugural wave of European colonization.
The dawn of European exploration can be traced back to Portugal's ventures beyond the confines of the Mediterranean, with their pioneering expeditions to the Canary Islands in 1336 marking a significant turning point.
2 - The New World: Castile, the Iberian rival of Portugal, commenced its dominance over the Canary Islands in 1402, situated off the west African coast. However, its attention was divided by internal Iberian politics and the defense against Islamic invasions and raids throughout the 15th century. With the consolidation of the Castilian and Aragonese crowns towards the end of the century, a nascent modern Spain became singularly focused on exploring new trade routes beyond its borders. The Crown of Aragon wielded significant maritime influence in the Mediterranean, boasting territories in eastern Spain, southwestern France, key islands like Sicily and Malta, and control over the Kingdoms of Naples and Sardinia, extending its reach as far as Greece. In 1492, the joint monarchs achieved the conquest of Granada, a Moorish kingdom that had long provided Castile with African goods in exchange for tribute. Subsequently, they decided to sponsor Christopher Columbus' voyage, aiming to bypass Portugal's monopoly on west African sea routes and reach the fabled "Indies" (comprising east and south Asia) by sailing westward. Columbus had previously proposed the idea to King John II of Portugal twice, in 1485 and 1488, both times facing rejection.