1 - British Empire - The British Empire was an extensive network of dominions, colonies, protectorates, mandates, and territories ruled or administered by the United Kingdom and its predecessor governments. This sprawling empire evolved from England's early ventures into overseas territories and trading ports, beginning in the late 16th century and continuing through the early 18th century. The empire grew to become the largest in recorded history, dominating global affairs for more than a century.
2 - Carolingian Empire - The Carolingian Empire, which existed from 800 to 888, was a dominant force in western and central Europe during the early Middle Ages. Founded by the Carolingian dynasty, this empire emerged from the Frankish kingdom, which had been ruled by this lineage since 751 and included control over the Lombards in Italy starting in 774.
3 - Portuguese Empire - The Portuguese Empire comprised a vast network of colonies, factories, and overseas territories established by Portugal. Beginning with the capture of Ceuta in North Africa in 1415 and continuing until the handover of sovereignty over Macau to China in 1999, it stands as one of the longest-lasting empires in European history.
4 - Spanish Empire - The marriage of Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile in the late 15th century laid the foundation for what would become the Spanish Empire. Their union created a personal alliance between the two powerful kingdoms, forming the basis for modern Spain. This confederation of the Crowns of Castile and Aragon brought together Iberia's economic and military strength under the House of Trastámara, although the two crowns remained legally distinct.