A Google user
The Bible did not fell from the sky and we are not left alone to try to guess Her meaning. If you want to know the Truth instead of trying to be right or find confirmation of what you guessed I would suggest you should: 1. Find out Who wrote the Bible - Christ did not say that we will build His Church(es) or that He will build our Church(es.) He said "I will build My Church." If the Bible is not written by His Church then you should not read it. If the Bible was written by His Church the find the Church. She knows the meaning! 2. The Apocalypse means revealing and not destroying. Saint John has been taken up on the Lord's Day (Sunday) and he describes in Daniel's style celebration. Exactly half is reading and preaching (including scolding, and warning) and the other half is Something "Else." Note that in first half the scrolls are really the Bible. There is only one (singular) reader and many listening (sounds familiar maybe?) The second part The Simingly Slained Lamb is at the Altar. Is Holy, Holy, Holy... familiar? Visit "churches" without rejecting any and pay attention to what is going on... Remember - God does not loose with Satan. Don't give up on Christ! He will win!