In a desperate bid to save humanity's last refuge, Devon Myers has infiltrated the ruthless Sons of Solomon who now control the town of Hope. But when a twisted general named Mendoza arrives with an army at his back and genocide in his heart, the line between resistance and collaboration begins to blur.
"Last Hope" is a gripping tale of impossible choices in a post-apocalyptic America. As Devon struggles to protect those he loves while maintaining his cover, Paul Hickman embarks on a desperate mission to rescue a man who might hold the key to defeating the Sons. With time running out and enemies closing in from all sides, both men must decide how much of their humanity they're willing to sacrifice in the name of freedom.
In this penultimate installment of the Last City series, alliances shift like desert sands, and the price of victory may be too high to bear. From clandestine resistance meetings to desperate firefights, from brutal interrogations to daring rescues, "Last Hope" builds to a climactic confrontation that will forever change the fate of Hope and its people.
Perfect for fans of "The Stand" and "The Road," this pulse-pounding fifth book asks the ultimate question: In a world ruled by monsters, what does it take to remain human?