Kevin Warwick is Emeritus Professor in the School of Computing, Electronics and Mathematics at Coventry University and was a Visiting Professor of Cybernetics at the University of Reading. He has carried out ground-breaking research in artificial intelligence, control and robotics which has been reported widely around the world. Professor Warwick has been involved with the Turing Test for a number of years, as a Judge in 2001 and 2006, as Co-organiser in 2008, 2012 and 2014, and as the hidden human (foil for the machine) in 2012. He has authored over six hundred publications, including the successful book Artificial Intelligence: The Basics (2011).
Huma Shah is Research Fellow in the School of Computing, Electronics and Mathematics at Coventry University. She has a Ph.D. in 'Deception-detection and Machine Intelligence in Practical Turing Tests' and designed the three Turing test experiments detailed in the book. She organised the 2006 and 2008 Loebner Prize for Artificial Intelligence and co-ordinated the Turing100 project at Bletchley Park in Alan Turing's centenary year (2012) and the Turing2014 Turing Test experiment at the Royal Society, London in June 2014.