Khalid Saeed received the BSc Degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering in 1976 from Baghdad University in 1976, the MSc and PhD Degrees from Wroclaw University of Technology, in Poland in 1978 and 1981, respectively. He received his presidential professorship in 2014 whilst his DSc Degree (Habilitation) in Computer Science from Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw in 2007. He is a Full Professor with Bialystok University of Technology in Poland. He has published more than 200 publications - wrote 9 text and reference books, edited 18 books, Journals and Conference Proceedings. He supervised more than 110 MSc and 12 PhD theses. His areas of interest are Biometrics, Image Analysis and Processing and Computer Information Systems. He gave 34 invited lectures and keynotes in different universities in Europe, China, India, South Korea and Japan. The talks were on Biometric Image Processing and Analysis. He received more than 16 academic awards. Khalid Saeed is a member of more than 15 editorial boards of international journals and conferences. He is an IEEE Senior Member and has been selected as IEEE Distinguished Speaker for 2011-2013. Khalid Saeed is the Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Biometrics with Interscience Publishers.