A chance meeting...
In a world still recovering from the vampire/human wars, Kasima Wilder is glad to live in the safe haven of Riverstone, a town founded by vampires and populated by both mortals and immortals.
Largely, Kasima has avoided the town’s vampire-run establishments. Until one night her wayward boyfriend ditches her at Ever Nights Annual Masquerade Ball.
An unforgettable night...
As head of security, Lex Stirling’s job is to ensure the safety of those within the walls of club Ever Nights, especially on the night of the Masquerade, a night where lust reigns supreme and limits are tested.
After rescuing a woman from the unwanted attention of a persistent guest, he finds himself enamored with the little mortal. Soon, their chemistry turns combustible, and they are engulfed in a night of unforgettable passion. A passion that could consume them both as Kasima’s ex conspires against them.
Kiersten Fay is the USA Today bestselling author of the steamy Ever Nights Chronicles, the award winning Shadow Quest series, and the popular Creatures of Darkness Series.
The first book in her Ever Nights series, Keeping His Siren, won the 2018 National Excellence in Romance Fiction Award, and the third Shadow Quest novel, The Demon’s Retribution won the 2012 Gravetells Favorite Story award, earning her a nomination for Favorite Author in that same year.
When not writing or catering to her two demanding cats, she can be found fussing over cover designs for her next novel.
For more information on Kiersten Fay, or her upcoming romance novels, visit her website www.kierstenfay.com