"An individual with a BMI (body mass index) of 30 or higher than 30 is said to be obese. An individual who has a body mass index of 25 to 29.9 is still regarded as overweight. Normal body weight is in the range of 18.5-24.9 BMI."
Obesity increases the risk of medical conditions such as high blood pressure, stroke, fatty liver disease, heart disease, kidney disease, cancer, mental disorders, etc.
The risks of these diseases are higher if majority of your weight is around your stomach, (this is known as "apple" shape) than the "pear" shape, which is characterized by majority of the weight around the buttocks and hips.
No matter the cause of your weight gain; it is possible to lose weight even if you are genetically prone to obesity. This book will guide you through a series of steps and healthy lifestyle to adopt for a period of one month to help you lose weight.
Note, that you should not stop after these number of days but try to make this your lifestyle and you will maintain a healthy weight.
What are you waiting for? Take the final step towards your ultimate weight loss plan!
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Kim Hilton is a model and a naturist. She spends most of her time teaching women homemade methods for keeping healthy; how to keep the body attractive and in shape. Her books have changed lives and has brought out the best out of the use of herbs in curing lots of common ailments. Kim has brought out the glory of natural health to the consumption of everyone. Thanks to years of study and practice.