Penulis : Kurniawan Arif Maspul
Email : [email protected]
Social Media : @dikurniawanarif (Twitter, Instagram & Snapchat)
Kurniawan Arif adalah penulis buku "Syam di Saat Itu" (Sham/Levant pada waktu itu), alumnus BA dari Islamic University of Madinah, Kerajaan Arab Saudi dan MBA dari Indian School of Management & Studies Mumbai, India. Saat ini sedang menempuh studi di tiga gelar Master; MA dalam Studi Islam di IOU Gambia, MSC dalam Kesehatan Masyarakat di University of Suffolk UK dan MBA di University of the People AS. Dalam tiga tahun terakhir, penulis berdomisili di Dubai; bekerja sebagai manajer dengan keterampilan tambahan sebagai pemanggang kopi di perusahaan lokal di industri kopi dan menjadi Pelatih SCA Resmi (Asosiasi Kopi Spesial) secara global; dia mendapat ijazah kopi dari Specialty Coffee Association.
Pada tahun 2020 penulis juga menjadi YouTuber aktif dengan menerbitkan cerita lokal dan ekspatriat di Dubai dalam tiga bahasa (Arab, Inggris, Indonesia) dalam 85 video. Dia adalah ayah dari Humaira, Maria dan Abdullah; dan baru-baru ini menjalankan program dalam proyek penelitian profesional SCA tentang Sustainability di Dubai.
Kurniawan Arif is the author of the book "Syam di Saat Itu" (Sham/Levant at that time), an alumnus BA from the Islamic University of Madinah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and MBA from Indian School of Management & Studies Mumbai, India. Currently pursuing studies in three Masters degree; MA in Islamic Studies at IOU the Gambia, MSC in Public Health at University of Suffolk UK and MBA in University of the People US. In the last three years, the author is domiciled in Dubai; working as a manager with the additional skills as a coffee roaster in a local establishment in the coffee industry and being an Authorized SCA Trainer (Specialty Coffee Association) globally; he got a coffee diploma from the Specialty Coffee Association.
In 2020 the author was also an active YouTuber by publishing local and ex-pat stories in Dubai in three languages (Arabic, English, Indonesian) in 85 videos. He's a father of Humaira, Maria and Abdullah; and has recently been running the program in the SCA professional research project of sustainability in Dubai.
@dikurniawanarif (Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat)