The author goes by the nom de plume Leoni Robens, loves writing poems of love, valour, knights in shining armour, giants, mermaids and all sorts of fairy folks. She has won a scholarship in English and won certificates for elocution, drama, singing and handwriting. The author loves cooking, gardening, painting and singing and has sung in her mother-in-law, Heather’s choir for many shows performed on stage. Her favourite authors are George Mac Donald, William Shakespeare, Lewis Caroll, Enid Blyton, Frances Hodgson Burnett and Hans Christian Anderson and her favourite book is Alice in Wonderland. She completed her Bachelor’s degree in Commerce. At present she is a housewife, but still continues writing these enjoyable poems, to entertain adults as well as young minds with some fun and magic. Hopes one day, brings out the best in song, dance and dramatics to be performed on stage by budding enthusiastic young actors, which would add a feather to her cape. As she believes that the “PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD”
She lives in Mumbai with her husband, son, mother and her pet moustache parakeets Alice Liddle and Charlie Brown. One of her fantasy Children’s books “A Fairy’s Quill” has recently been published and another upcoming book “MAGUK WORLD! Wonderland Fairy Carousel of Poems!” by Leoni Robens.
Babble is to speak rapidly and randomly as did the people at the tower of Babel when they lost their ability to speak to one another. Here in my babbling book of poetry I unite together foreign languages of different worlds scattered far and wide
To well describe and depict another realm far better than best-“Good, Gooder and Goodest….” A ‘Maguk Kingdom’ of babbling towers, brooks, spires and domes, one of my marvellous stories ‘Maguk World of Princess Cardinal Fairy Alice with her Lil’ cat Papillon pet Fairy Dinah’, falling through an endless Maguk Well, who travel in an ethereal adventure to the bottomless pits of the world in an unparalleled universe beyond countless Giga bytes and Decimbleters (my own made up words of poetic art) including so many funny poems inside short poetry story. One will thoroughly enjoy reading with great gusto and cherishing Alice through another spiritual perspective.
Therefore concluding one last example the Hebrew word ‘ayin’ which is not only the name of a Hebrew letter but also the Hebrew term for eye. My audience be like the “Hebrew Eye”- “Eyes that are windows to the soul. Looking at these poetically charged organs one may proceed to read into ‘Magic world!’- ‘THE MAGUK WELL’
About the author
The author goes by the nom de plume Leoni Robens, loves writing poems of love, valour, knights in shining armour, giants, mermaids and all sorts of fairy folks. She has won a scholarship in English and won certificates for elocution, drama, singing and handwriting. The author loves cooking, gardening, painting and singing and has sung in her mother-in-law, Heather’s choir for many shows performed on stage. Her favourite authors are George Mac Donald, William Shakespeare, Lewis Caroll, Enid Blyton, Frances Hodgson Burnett and Hans Christian Anderson and her favourite book is Alice in Wonderland. She completed her Bachelor’s degree in Commerce. At present she is a housewife, but still continues writing these enjoyable poems, to entertain adults as well as young minds with some fun and magic. Hopes one day, brings out the best in song, dance and dramatics to be performed on stage by budding enthusiastic young actors, which would add a feather to her cape. As she believes that the “PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD”
She lives in Mumbai with her husband, son, mother and her pet moustache parakeets Alice Liddle and Charlie Brown. One of her fantasy Children’s books “A Fairy’s Quill” has recently been published and another upcoming book “MAGUK WORLD! Wonderland Fairy Carousel of Poems!” by Leoni Robens.
Babble is to speak rapidly and randomly as did the people at the tower of Babel when they lost their ability to speak to one another. Here in my babbling book of poetry I unite together foreign languages of different worlds scattered far and wide
To well describe and depict another realm far better than best-“Good, Gooder and Goodest….” A ‘Maguk Kingdom’ of babbling towers, brooks, spires and domes, one of my marvellous stories ‘Maguk World of Princess Cardinal Fairy Alice with her Lil’ cat Papillon pet Fairy Dinah’, falling through an endless Maguk Well, who travel in an ethereal adventure to the bottomless pits of the world in an unparalleled universe beyond countless Giga bytes and Decimbleters (my own made up words of poetic art) including so many funny poems inside short poetry story. One will thoroughly enjoy reading with great gusto and cherishing Alice through another spiritual perspective.
Therefore concluding one last example the Hebrew word ‘ayin’ which is not only the name of a Hebrew letter but also the Hebrew term for eye. My audience be like the “Hebrew Eye”- “Eyes that are windows to the soul. Looking at these poetically charged organs one may proceed to read into ‘Magic world!’- ‘THE MAGUK WELL’