In "Ozma of Oz," the action unfolds largely outside the Land of Oz, with only the final chapters returning to this magical realm. Dorothy’s journey is no longer driven by a desperate need to return to Kansas but by her uncle’s need for her presence. This shift in focus reveals a deeper exploration of the world beyond Oz and introduces new dimensions to Dorothy’s adventure.
But what new wonders and challenges await Dorothy in these unfamiliar lands? How will her journey influence her relationship with Oz and her understanding of her own desires and responsibilities?
Delve into Baum’s imaginative narrative where the boundaries of Oz are stretched and new adventures beckon. "Ozma of Oz" offers a fresh perspective on Dorothy’s adventures and the magical world she inhabits.
Ready to explore the extended realms of magic in "Ozma of Oz"?
Discover the charm and wonder of Baum’s expanding Oz universe. Purchase your copy of "Ozma of Oz" today and join Dorothy on an unforgettable journey through new lands and adventures.