L. Sprague de Camp (1907-2000), a SFWA Grand Master and winner of the World Fantasy Award for Life Achievement, wrote Dark Valley Destiny, the definitive biography of Conan's creator, Robert E. Howard. De Camp championed and continued Howard’s series, coauthoring “posthumous collaborations” such as Tales of Conan and Conan the Adventurer before working with Carter and Nyberg on original sequels.
Lin Carter (1930-1988) was the key figure behind the popular Ballantine Adult Fantasy Series of the 1970s. His collaborations with de Camp include Conan of the Isles, Conan the Buccaneer, and Conan the Barbarian.
Björn Nyberg (1929-2004) first began collaborating with de Camp on Conan works in the 1950s. Their works include The Return of Conan, Conan the Avenger, and Conan the Swordsman.