Ladies with Guns

Ladies with Guns 2-р боть · Europe Comics
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A posse came after our five heroes, and all five escaped with their lives. The aftermath of the battle left Daisy homeless and the local undertaker with more work than he can handle. Now, holed-up and the worse for wear, they have to plan their getaway—but only after they make sure Daisy will survive her injuries. This second installment reveals some more of the ladies' past, as the present puts them to the test. Bounty hunters, makeshift surgery, fake (and real!) dynamite, stolen dresses, and borrowed guns: all part of the adventure as these Ladies with Guns forge ahead into an uncertain future.

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The need to draw comics has always been part of her life, but Anlor started off in a different narrative form by working for 10 years in animation and stop-motion as an animator and director. She eventually decided to turn towards comics in 2010, with the trilogy "Les Innocents Coupables" published by Bamboo, with a script by Laurent Galandon. She then met the scriptwriter Aurélien Ducoudray, with whom she created the diptychs "Amère Russie" (Prix St Michel for the best album, Brussels, 2015), "À Coucher Dehors," and "Camp Poutine," all hybrid stories between adventure and social chronicle. In 2020, Olivier Bocquet and Anlor started the "Ladies With Guns" adventure, a western published by Dargaud in 2022 (Europe Comics in English).

Author Olivier Bocquet has worked as a highway gas station attendant, an events photographer, the manager at a restaurant in Montmartre, a deliveryman, a translator, and even a chick-sexing specialist. In addition to these occupations, he has written programs for children's television channels, created previews for TV shows, written a short film, worked on advertisements, and completed a prize-winning thriller novel called "Turpitudes" (2010). Today, Olivier Bocquet writes comics, including the three-part series "La colère de Fantômas" (Dargaud, 2013) and the acclaimed prehistoric adventure series "FRNCK," published by Dupuis starting in 2016 ("FRNK," Europe Comics, 2017). In 2020, Olivier Bocquet started the "Ladies With Guns" adventure with Anlor, a western published by Dargaud in 2022 (Europe Comics in English).

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