Surrounded by ancestral secrets and facing unexpected adversaries, Ash and Farryn become embroiled in a treacherous battle against those who seek to exploit Farryn's extraordinary gifts. As long-lost family ties resurface, the couple finds themselves at the center of a war they never saw coming.
With legends revealed and truths exposed, survival becomes uncertain. Will Ash and Farryn's love withstand the looming threat, or will their bond crumble under the weight of destiny?
Prepare for a gripping tale of strength, power, and peril in a saga filled with passion, danger, and the unyielding power of fate.
This is book three in a *serial*. This means that all of the books follow a story arc and cannot be read alone or out of order without confusion.
Lara used to scribble her fictional characters down on legal pads in high school, and then not show them to anyone. In recent years, she started posting her work in public forums for feedback, which gave her the courage to publish professionally.
She needs copious amounts of coffee and chocolate to survive. She enjoys eavesdropping on the character conversations in her head, which she has been assured doesn’t make her crazy. She always gets the best ideas while in the shower, driving, or about to fall asleep.
Though she’s a Florida girl at heart, Lara currently resides in the Blue Ridge Mountains with her husband of twenty years and their three children, where she is living out her own happily ever after with the boy she met at age fifteen.