Dear (your name here),
I love you.
Love, God.
What if you had a letter from the Lord of the Universe, written specifically to you with unique insight into who He is and what He has planned for you?
What if you could enter into a real conversation with the God of the Bible?
The greatest love letters of all time did not come from the pen of a playwright or the mouth of a poet. They weren’t formed on warped sheets of music or with the quills of romantics. These letters come from the Word of the Almighty God.
Based on 66 Love Letters —Dr. Larry Crabb’s intimate conversation with God—this devotional experience offers the chance to completely change the way you think about love.
Give yourself forty days to fall head-over-heels in love with the Savior who calls you by name and welcomes you into a sweeping, incredible relationship with Him. Discover the language and story of true love as it was originally intended—personal letters from God to you.
Dr. Larry Crabb is a well-known psychologist, conference and seminary speaker, Bible teacher, popular author, and founder/director of NewWay Ministries. He is currently Scholar in Residence at Colorado Christian University in Denver and Visiting Professor of Spiritual Formation for Richmont Graduate University in Atlanta. Dr. Crabb and his wife of forty-six years, Rachael, live in the Denver, Colorado area. For additional information please visit