"What Happened to Chester? is a heartwarming story. This book is compelling to young eyes while teaching a very important message of overcoming obstacles. The book guides the reader to understand being different. My favorite aspect of the book is the bond created by Chester and Rory, because it provides a positive example of how it's okay to be friends with people who are different than you. I also think this story's softly underlying message may help prevent bullying. This is a great book for young children." --Lauren Nicole Pace, community research coordinator, Medicore Transport & Achievement Centers
"What Happened to Chester? is an uplifting book for those who have experienced the excitement of adventure that abruptly results in a different life pathway. Chester's accident doesn't keep him from living life to the fullest. A child's takeaway from this tale is to be true to oneself and keep focused on dreams and goals - no matter what obstacles they may have to overcome. This beautifully illustrated book is an endearing tale of resilience." --Linda Cohen, elementary school principal
"This was not only a sweet story, but also an educational one, filled with empathy and love for animals; in this case, an injured deer. The wonderful and poetic storytelling of Lauren Persons guides you through events with Rory and how empathetic she is toward Chester. As an elementary school teacher, teaching empathy towards animals is a difficult task, but Lauren Persons has accomplished this task with great storytelling and love."--John Mascia, elementary school teacher
"This warm, wonderful and inspiring book shows kids that it's ok to be different and not to let anything or anyone scare you away from your purpose. --Chanene Hawkins, TESOL teacher
From Loving Healing Press
As a teacher, I have been lucky to have had the opportunity to work with children of all ages. They have taught me much, or more, than I have taught them. Their innocence, imagination, and tell-it-like-it-is style makes life an adventure, not a chore. As the author of What Happened to Chester, I want kids to take away a love of nature, and most important, the knowledge that nothing needs to stand in the way of them becoming their best selves
Before I could even walk or talk, I wanted to express myself through art. That interest has grown exponentially through the years, and continues to lead me to a wide variety of artistic opportunities and experiences. This has included theater arts, music, video, painting, sculpting, graphic design, and illustration. I hope Rory and Chester's story resonates with you as much as it has with me while creating its drawings. I am also very proud and excited to have my daughter's own artistic expressions included, in the final pages of this book.LYDIA WHITEHOUSE: My name is Lydia. I made Chester's banner. I am 8 years old and I love to draw and I also love music, nature, and my family. I also definitely LOVE animals!
My name is Lydia. I made Chester's banner. I am 8 years old and I love to draw and I also love music, nature, and my family. I also definitely LOVE animals!