Christian Spirituality is a concise and accessible overview of the ways Christians over the centuries have approached God in prayer and practice. In ten chapters, Lawrence Cunningham and Keith Egan explain the dynamics of spiritual life, each chapter exploring a single theme such as scripture, journeying, meditation & contemplation, asceticism, mysticism, solitude & community, friendship, eucharist. The themes are not mutually exclusive since believers frequently embrace several or all of these "ways" at once. But in different times and places people have tended to focus on one or another, so that they have become discernible paths to the Holy. The authors explore each theme in depth, tracing its evolution over the centuries. Within this historical framework, the book provides the reader with a "taste" of the different ways Christians have sought or lived in the presence of God. Each chapter concludes with a list of selected works for further reading and with exercises intended to provide a personal experience of the "way".