Ten years ago, the two friends fought a bitter battle for their high school crush. Although Brett longs to be the man in Nikki’s life, he is forced to decide if he is willing to lose Dillons’ friendship to gain her heart.
As their unusual relationship progresses, Nikki is faced with a conundrum she never expected to face. While her heart wants them both in her life, in her bed, society demands she choose between the two men. Now Nikki has to decide what price she is prepared to pay to keep the happiness and independence she’s finally found.
Leah Braemel is the only woman in a houseful of males that includes her college-sweetheart husband, a Shih Tzu named Seamus who behaves like a cat and Turtle the cat who thinks he’s a dog. She loves escaping the ever-multiplying dust bunnies by opening up her laptop to write about sexy heroes and the women who challenge them. She also is published by Canadian publisher Quarry Press, and formerly by Harlequin’s Carina Press and Samhain Publishing, though now she self-publishes her work.