D. Kumar
Dr. D. Kumar is currently working as Principal Scientist (Plant Breeding) and is holding the charge of Project Coordinator, All India Coordinated Research Project on Arid Legumes, at Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur. He has edited 9 books and has published more than 120 fulllength research papers in different journals of national and international reputes. He has also written more than 20 chapters for different books and Proceedings of the Symposia. His main field of specialization is Breeding for Abiotic Stress Tolerance with special reference to drought and salinity in arid pulses and rapeseed-mustard.
K.P.R. Vittal
Dr. K.P.R. Vittal, Project Coordinator, AICRPDA and Former Head, Division of Resource Management, Officer-in-Charge (Watershed Programmes), CRIDA (ICAR), Hyderabad. He published about dozen books and about 150 papers in national and international journals and proceedings of seminars etc. He is Soil Scientist with specialization of Soil Physics. He specialized in drylands having full knowledge in dryland agriculture farming etc.