Aditi Nichani
I had a Leigh Bardugo book on my TBR pile for over a month and didn’t dive in immediately – I AM HONESTLY SO ASHAMED AT MYSELF RIGHT NOW. As soon as I heard that Leigh Bardugo was going to be writing Wonder Woman: Warbringer, I knew that I would be reading this book. Wonder Woman has only been my FAVOURITE superhero since ever and the movie that released earlier this year BLEW MY MIND. I had HUGE expectations about Wonder Woman: Warbringer because a) Wonder Woman is the BEST and b) Leigh Bardugo is EVEN better and, well, up until the ending that I’m STILL NOT SURE HOW I FEEL ABOUT, this book met all of them. MY THOUGHTS: 1. The book opens with Diana on Themyscria, with Hippolyta and all the other fangirl worthy Amazons racing each other for glory and sitting there I honestly fangirled because I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THEIR STORY and their sisterhood. 2. I loved Diana’s spirit in this book. She’s always been earnest, determined to save everyone and also to prove herself and Leigh Bardugo brought life to the character more than I’ve ever seen done before on any medium. 3. I absolutely LOVED that this book was set in modern New York City (which is only my FAVOURITE city in all the world) and I loved Leigh Bardugo’s cast of characters apart from Diana, ESPECIALLY Alia and Nim who were badass and fearless characters all on their own. 4. This book had SO MANY ACTION SCENES, including one where Diana figures out just how strong she it and THEY ARE ALL SO BRILLIANT. I could imagine them happening right in front of me. 5. This book is also STUNNINGLY Diverse. Alia, the Warbringer, her brother, and her long time crush are black and Nim, the best friend is a kickass brown Indian who I NEED TO BE FRIENDS WITH. It’s all loyalty and sass and fight scenes and I loved it. 6. Another thing that was really cool was Bardugo’s ability to integrate the Greek Gods into the modern world, even bringing in some smaller (and bigger gods) and it just made this book feel SO REAL? 7. MY ONLY PROBLEM WITH THIS BOOK IS THE ONE HUGE TWIST BEFORE THE ENDING. I was SHOCKED, to say the least and I don’t know if I fully UNDERSTOOD what was happening, or that particular character’s endgoal from the War or ANYTHING ABOUT IT, REALLY? It felt like an unnecessary development and I DID NOT CARE FOR IT. Was this book better than Six of Crows? (aka the BEST BOOK OF ALL TIME?) Probably not, but it did have it’s own charm and I AM SO EXCITED TO SEE WHERE THE DC ICONS SERIES GOES NEXT. 4 stars.
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