At 89, LeNora Conkle still does 30 minutes of aerobic exercises every morning and walks at least a mile each afternoon. She corresponds with many of their hunters and other Alaska guides and visits others each year. She's active in developing guaranteed access rights for Alaskans across national park lands, active in the local Republican party, and has served as a delegate to the Alaska Outdoor Council. She has been an active member of Slana Alaskans Unit for many years. There are always friends, family, and strangers dropping in to visit and listen to her stories over a piece of homemade rhubarb or blueberry pie. She's written five books, spends her winters visiting family and friends in Alaska and all over the Lower 48, and has toured Israel, South Africa, and the Grand Cayman Islands! LeNora says “There's too much to do to sit around and get old.”