Not just an explanation that escapes our knowledge and perhaps our technological possibilities… but no conceivable explanation at all. None that would make logical sense, none that would not contradict our understanding of an objective world and matter, causality, and time… and call them into question…
… we also considered the intervention of ‘gods’ as an option—beings that exist outside our reality and are not bound by the rules, the ‘physical laws’ within our ‘reality’…
And this repeatedly leads us, in the search for an earlier advanced civilization, to much more fundamental questions. Questions about the Creator, the structure of our world, the ‘reality’ of our physical experience…
Thus, in this 2nd Volume, these two lines of inquiry meet… on the one hand, the nature of our reality, and on the other, the historically conceivable details and consequences of our findings and conclusions regarding the true history of Homo sapiens on the planet Earth.
Leonard Lowe is an engineer, scientific researcher and professor for mechanical engineering. He is the author of several books on technology, philosophy and politics.