There are so many ways a team can go wrong. Does your team make decisions so slowly that nothing ever gets done, or does it go too fast and miss critical issues that come back to bite you later? Does your team bicker endlessly or smile and nod while avoiding the tough issues? Too often, team dysfunction leads to abysmal productivity and zero innovation for your organization, as well as misery and wasted time for you. Most team members sit and wait, feeling trapped in a team that just isn't working. You First: Inspire Your Team to Grow Up, Get Along, and Get Stuff Done presents a radical new idea: you can change your team. Author Liane Davey shows how you, from any seat at the table, even without support from your colleagues or your team leader, can transform even a toxic team. It starts with living up to five responsibilities that will change the workings of even the most dysfunctional team.
Designed for front line employees, middle managers, executives, or anyone who works regularly in teams, You First will help you figure out how to make your team happier, healthier, and more productive.
LIANE DAVEY, PHD, is a Principal of Knightsbridge Human Capital Solutions, Inc. and the Vice President for Global Solutions and Team Effectiveness. She is sought out by executives at some of North America’s leading financial services, consumer goods, high-tech, and healthcare organizations to rehabilitate teams that have become toxic and to work with healthy teams that want to take their performance to the next level. A dynamic keynote speaker, Liane takes her message about vital teams to leaders at conferences and management retreats around the world. She is the coauthor of Leadership Solutions.