Β This book presents a technical review of ecological and life history information onΒ a range of Bornean wildlife species, aimed at identifying what makes these speciesΒ sensitive to timber harvesting practices and associated impacts. It addresses threeΒ audiences: 1) those involved in assessing and regulating timber harvesting activities inΒ Southeast Asia, 2) those involved in trying to achieve conservation goals in the region,Β and 3) those undertaking research to improve multipurpose forest management. This book shows that forest management can be improved in many simple ways to allow timber extraction and wildlife conservation to be more compatible than under currentΒ practices. The recommendations can also be valuable to the many governmentalΒ and non-governmental organisations promoting sustainable forest management andΒ eco-labelling. Finally, it identifies a number of shortcomings and gaps in knowledge,Β which the hope can interest the scientific community and promote further research.Β This review is, an important scientific step toward understanding andΒ improving sustainable forestry practices for long-term biodiversity conservation. EvenΒ in the short term, however, significant improvements can be made to improve bothΒ conservation and the efficiency of forest management, and there is no need to delayΒ action due to a perceived lack of information. In the longer term it is expected that theΒ recommendations from this review will be implemented, and that further researchΒ will continue to help foster an acceptable balance among the choices needed toΒ maintain healthy wildlife populations and biodiversity in a productive forest estate.