The book is divided into three chapters. First chapter, which I have christened as Philosophy | General, starts with my principles on Privacy. There is no comprehensive law on privacy in India; therefore, there are no established privacy principles either. I formulated certain principles for self-help, which seem to have found resonance with many; therefore, they are reproduced in the book. The other topics included in the chapter are New Age Journalism, Terrorism, Internet, Jurisprudence, and Globalization.
I was pleasantly surprised to find that my philosophical ideas on politics have found audience. I am a completely non-political person in the sense I am not attached to any political party; however, I do have a liberal perspective on politics. In the second chapter, i.e. Philosophy | Politics, I have discussed varied topics like Lokpal, Elections, Violence, Capitalism, Anarchism, Cash Transfers, Maoists, and Gandhism, with a liberal perspective.
Finally, in a chapter entitled Philosophy | Relationships, I have plunged into a controversial arena of man-woman relationship. Though I claim to be discussing philosophy of man-woman relationship, but I think I am at best representing men unless I get substantial endorsement from women – which unfortunately I haven’t got till now. Topics covered: Marriage, Love, Girlfriend, etc.
This is a non-professional endeavor; therefore, you may be able to download it either free or for a small price, and the royalties, if any, accumulating where from will go in charity.
Enjoy Reading! Ankur Mutreja