meg8278 (meg8278)
This was my first time reading this author. I really enjoyed this book I found it very suspenseful and couldn't put it down. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who loves Mysteries and suspenseful crime books. And I would also like to think net galley and Berkley publishing group for allowing me to read this for my honest opinion.
vera book reviews and stuff BeBe
The characters are well-developed with some that are very likable and others you love to hate. I absolutely detested Randall Finley and University Security Chief Clive Duncomb; it will surprise me if you do not feel the same way.. Mr. Bayclay skillfully filled these two characters with obnoxious traits, criminal behavior, offensive personalities, and incompetence. Mr. Barclay reveals the underbelly of small town life with all it quirks, seamy life, low employment rate, desperate people, alternate life styles, and crime. I found this town very believable, and this crime thriller very enjoyable and I feel you will as well. I recommend this book for a mature audience that loves a solid crime, mystery, and thriller novel. I received this book from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an honest book review. Book reviews of any novel are dependent on the book review author's opinion; all book reviews on line under my name and on my blog. are my opinion.