Amidst the social and religious upheaval of seventeenth-century England, the once-noble Doone family has been transformed. Now a notorious clan of outlaws, the Doones show their victims no mercyโa lesson the yeoman John Ridd learns when they murder his father. Though he longs for revenge, John must continue to provide for his mother and sister. But his life as a respectable, peace-loving farmer is turned on its head when he meets the beautiful Lorna Doone.
As a member of the Doone clan, Lorna is Johnโs sworn enemy. Yet he cannot help loving her. In a desperate act to save her from her own family, John must risk everythingโand finally confront his past in a way that will change both his and Lornaโs lives forever. First published in 1869, R. D. Blackmoreโs timeless tale of star-crossed lovers combines vivid depictions of early modern England with a dramatic narrative that culminates in tragic violence.