• Tips for every kind of poker situation: at home, online and at
• Covers Texas Hold 'Em, the world's most popular type of poker
• Part of successful bestselling 52 Great Tips series
A leading poker guru gives you the essential tips to win at Texas Hold 'Em poker
at any time, whether at home, at a tournament or playing online. Lou Krieger,
author of the bestselling 'Poker Player's Bible', covers the basics, such as tips on
when to fold, when to call, and when to raise, but also gives you insider tips to
help you raise your game. The advice varies depending on whether you are
playing in a tournament, in a fixed-limit game (as is common in the USA) or in a
pot- or no-limit game (the kind commonly found in the UK and much of Europe).
The tips cover the following categories of games:
limit cash games
no-limit or pot-limit cash games
tips for tournaments
tips that work for all games
specific online poker-playing tips