Have you ever just clicked with someone? LOVE VIRTUALLY and its sequel EVERY SEVENTH WAVE - the most addictive love story of the internet age . . .
"Just what you need" WENDY HOLDEN
Is there a safer space for secret desires than virtual reality?
.It begins by chance: Leo receives emails in error from an unknown woman called Emmi. Being polite he replies, and Emmi writes back. A few brief exchanges are all it takes to spark a mutual interest in each other, and soon Emmi and Leo are sharing their innermost secrets and longings. The erotic tension simmers, and it seems only a matter of time before they will meet in person. But they keep putting off the moment - the prospect both unsettles and excites them. And, after all, Emmi is happily married. Will their feelings for each other survive the test of a real-life encounter?
Translated from German by Jamie Bulloch and Katharina Bielenberg