Sixteen-year-old Stinger finds himself helping a former superhero rescue his family from a powerful and dangerous enemy. In order to rescue this family, Stinger must come face-to-face with his own dark secrets, including his mother, an infamous supervillain who abandoned him when he was young.
And beneath all of this is a deeper plot that Stinger and Talon must stop before it is too late.
KEYWORDS: superhero action fiction, superhero fantasy, superhero fiction novel, superhero science fiction, superhero scifi, superhero young adult, superhero city, superhero books, superhero action, superhero books for kids, superheroes, cool superheroes, action adventure books, superhero action adventure books, action adventure fiction, superhero action adventure fiction, young adult action adventure, action adventure young adult
Lucas Flint writes superhero fiction. He is the author of The Superhero’s Son, The Young Neos, Minimum Wage Sidekick, The Supervillain’s Kids, The Legacy Superhero, Dimension Heroes, Lightning Bolt, and Capes Online. Find links to books, social media, updates on newest releases, and more by going to his website at