I'm sure since you finished this book you'll able to find your business presence all over the internet, the chances of your business existence will be increased by 99.99%
Why I'm so sure about this?
Because I'm a creator and I make my presence with the same methods, without wasting a single penny, yeah but you need to invest your time and internet in this.
These are tricks are affordable so I named this book
"Affordable Business Development"
Lucky Gupta is a well-known Internet Personality from Jodhpur, He is 26 years old and known for writing on Digital marketing solutions, A.K.A the biggest influencer from Jodhpur.
Hubli-based Lucky Gupta Projects is a management company founded on the 25th of June 2019 by Lucky Gupta is a part of the Lucky Gupta Group, the company usually provides end-to-end services in different sectors like IT, business, minerals, transportation, and industrial.