"Emily and s Quest is the grand finale of the Lucy Maud Montgomery trilogy, set before World War I on Prince Edward Island, Canada. The orphan in "Emily of New Moon" and the hopeful student in "Emily Climbs" is transformed into a young woman seeking success and love. At the beginning of the story, Emily believes that everyone has abandoned her at New Moon Farms. Best friend Ilsa Burnley has taken off for school in Montreal, suitor Perry Miller is studying Law in Charlottetown. Most annoyingly, Teddy Kent, also left her to study actor and s craft. All she has left is a desire to write and her mentor, the cynical and manipulative Dean Priest. First Emily has no luck with her book, then, suffered a near fatal illness. Lonely and near despair, her only option seems to be Dean and s offer of marriage. But, a dramatic second-sight experience will offer her a vision of a different future. If the endpoint of Emily and s quest may be predictable, but the journey is not. Emily will struggle to sell her first book while dealing with some comical distractions. Emily and s relationship woes will continue to a cleverly written and entertaining ending. Lucy Maud Montgomery drew heavily on her own experiences as a struggling writer in the "Emily" series; the story has some real bite, along with the author and s characteristic humor and gentle wisdom (character of Dean was inspired by her abusive awful husband and her dread of having sex with him). "Emily and s Quest" is very highly recommended to her fans.