1. Auslegung und Deutung des heyligen vater unsers/ Interpretation of the LordÂs Prayer (1518)
2. Predigten Þber 1. Korinther 15  Von der Auferstehung/ Sermons on 1 Corinthians 15 - On the Resurrection
3. Ein kleiner Unterricht, was man in den Evangelien suchen und erwarten solle/ A Little Lesson on What to Look for and Expect in the Gospels (1522)
4. Ein Sendbrief vom Dolmetschen/ A Letter on Interpretation (1530)
5. Predigt zu Lukas 15,1-10/Â Sermon on Luke 15:1-10 (1533)
6. Der Grundgedanke des Briefes des Hl. Paulus an die Galater/ Commentary on St. Pauls' Epistle to the Galatians (1535)
7. Ãber das Studium der Theologie/ About the study of theology (1539)
8. Von der Menschwerdung des Menschen / On the Incarnation of Man. An Academic Lecture on Psalm 127 (1545)
9. Vorrede auf die Epistel S. Paul an die RÃķmer / Preface to the Epistle of S. Paul to the Romans (1545)
This is volume II of "The Essential Luther" from NLP. This series lays out Luther's complete major writings along with the original German or Latin text in the back of the book for quick reference. These are the only Bilingual editions of Luther's works ever printed. These manuscripts have been meticulously translated into English from the Original Fraktur manuscript. The German texts have been transcribed into the modern German text. This series is intended to introduce Luther's works systematically and includes all of Luther's writings including minor and obscure texts in 7 editions. Some of these sermons and letters have had no modern English translation until now.
Volume I. Luther Contra Mundum: The Ninety-five Theses and other Major Treaties
Volume II. Luther & Scripture: Writings on Hermeneutics, Exegesis and Patristics
Volume III. Luther on Divine Sovereignty & Human will: Conversations with Erasmus
Volume IV. Luther & the State: Writings on Secularism
Volume V. Luther's Creeds: Catechisms & Confessions
Volume VI. Luther's Table Talk
Volume VII. Luther's Sermons and Letters