This illustrated study explores the pressures and stresses of living life in the glare of public scrutiny. It is an early case of a married couple leading independent lives of extraordinary public service and indicating a path for others to follow. The historical experience of queens and their consorts and Elizabeth and Philip's Canadian and Commonwealth roles add scope to this biography.
Lynne Bell is a trustee of the Canadian Royal Heritage Trust and the recipient of the Silver Badge of Service from the Monarchist League of Canada. A contributer to Majesty magazine, she lives in Calgary with her husband and two daughters.
Garry Toffoli is the Executive Director of the Canadian Royal Heritage Trust. He is the co-author of several books about the monarchy and is also a frequent television and radio commentator for royal events and issues.
Arthur Bousfield, a founding member and former vice-chairman of the Monarchist League of Canada, for many years edited and published the periodical Monarchy Canada. He is the co-author of five books on the monarchy.