A consulting engineer residing in Montgomery, texas, Heinz. P. Bloch has held machinery-oriented staff and line positions with Exxon affiliates in the United States, Italy, Spain, England, The Netherlands, and Japan. His career spanned several decades prior to his 1986 retirement as Exxon Chemical's regional machinery specialist for the USA. Since his retirement from Exxon, he has been in demand throughout the world as a consultant and trainer in the areas of failure avoidance, root cause failure identification, and reliability improvement. Mr. Bloch is the author/co-author of thirteen books and over 200 other publications on subjects related to machinery reliability and failure avoidance. He is the Reliability and Equipment Editor of Hydrocarbon Processing magazine and has served as chair of the annual conference program for Hydrocarbon Processing's Process Plant Reliability Conference for a number of years.Fred K. Geitner is a registered Professional Engineer in the Province of Ontario, Canada, engaged in process machinery consulting. He retired from Imperial Oil with 20 years of service as an engineer.