This book is intentionally kept simple. It’s written to help you become familiar with the practical applications of conducting machining simulations in SOLIDWORKS CAM. This book provides you with the basic concepts and steps needed to use the software, as well as a discussion of the G-codes generated. After completing this book, you should have a clear understanding of how to use SOLIDWORKS CAM for machining simulations and should be able to apply this knowledge to carry out machining assignments on your own product designs.
In order to provide you with a more comprehensive understanding of machining simulations, the book discusses NC (numerical control) part programming and verification, as well as introduces applications that involve bringing the G-code post processed by SOLIDWORKS CAM to a HAAS CNC mill and lathe to physically cut parts. This book points out important, practical factors when transitioning from virtual to physical machining. Since the machining capabilities offered in the 2018 version of SOLIDWORKS CAM are somewhat limited, this book introduces third-party CAM modules that are seamlessly integrated into SOLIDWORKS, including CAMWorks, HSMWorks, and Mastercam for SOLIDWORKS.
This book covers basic concepts, frequently used commands and options required for you to advance from a novice to an intermediate level SOLIDWORKS CAM user. Basic concepts and commands introduced include extracting machinable features (such as 2.5 axis features), selecting a machine and cutting tools, defining machining parameters (such as feedrate, spindle speed, depth of cut, and so on), generating and simulating toolpaths, and post processing CL data to output G-code for support of physical machining. The concepts and commands are introduced in a tutorial style presentation using simple but realistic examples. Both milling and turning operations are included.
One of the unique features of this book is the incorporation of the CL data verification by reviewing the G-code generated from the toolpaths. This helps you understand how the G-code is generated by using the respective post processors, which is an important step and an excellent way to confirm that the toolpaths and G-code generated are accurate and useful.
Who is this book for?This book should serve well for self-learners. A self-learner should have basic physics and mathematics background, preferably a bachelor or associate degree in science or engineering. We assume that you are familiar with basic manufacturing processes, especially milling and turning. And certainly, we expect that you are familiar with SOLIDWORKS part and assembly modes. A self-learner should be able to complete the fourteen lessons of this book in about fifty hours.
This book also serves well for class instruction. Most likely, it will be used as a supplemental reference for courses like CNC Machining, Design and Manufacturing, Computer-Aided Manufacturing, or Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. This book should cover five to six weeks of class instruction, depending on the course arrangement and the technical background of the students.