Arjuna asks about wrong action and what compels men to commit it. Krishna answers that it is desire and the resultant anger that arises when desire cannot be fulfilled that is the cause of wrong action. Many commentators on the Gita have blamed desire for all problems in life and have advocated shunning desire, but that is a faulty interpretation. Desire is necessary for life to progress and evolve.
The understanding that desires must not be shunned, but rather must be fulfilled is explained in the book, ‘Thirty Years Around The World. Dawn of the Age of Enlightenment. Volume One. 1957-1964’ in which Maharishi Mahesh Yogi states:
“If spirituality is to help the man of the 20th century, it must appear in a new garb to attract the modern eye and not frighten material life. If a spiritual technique of living the elevated material life is evolved, the modern taste would go for it. If the glories of the soul could be lived and enjoyed in the midst of the material glories of life, modern taste would love to have it...."
Many aspire to be Karma Yogis so they engage in the various activities (karmas) prescribed for that style of living. But to be a Karma Yogi one must first gain the state of Yoga by transcending relativity to arrive at Absolute Bliss Consciousness. The state of Yoga is easily attained through Maharishi Bhavatit Dhyan (Transcendental Meditation). See:
The author of the Bhagavad-Gita is the highly enlightened sage Veda Vyasa. 5,000 years ago he wrote the Mahabhrata, one of India's two great epics, which has the text of the Gita at its core. The Bhagavad-Gita is the most concentrated wisdom of fullness of life. It is said that in the Gita Vyasa churned the cream of the Upanishads and put the butter in the mouth of Krishna. It is one of three pillars of Yoga, giving an in-depth view of the entire field of knowledge of the Self.
The illustrator, Aurosutru, is an American educator with an undergraduate degree for teaching in post-secondary education, an MBA and a PhD in Vedic Administration.
Aurosutru has taught meditation to thousands of students and Vedic Science to hundreds of graduate students and has used meditation and its advanced techniques for more than 50 years.