Why has the acceptability of homosexuality become such a prominent topic?
Can someone be born homosexual?
Where does the homosexual spirit come from?
What is original sin?
What was the forbidden fruit?
What was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?
What does it mean for man to be made in God's image?
Why does the exaltation of matriarchy promote the homosexual spirit?
How is this spirit manifested in heterosexuals?
Maisha Hunter is a wife and mother of three who writes regularly for The Latter Days Ministry. She also spent 10 years as co-owner of a Christian self-publishing company.
Raised as a devout Roman Catholic, Maisha committed herself to participating in the sacraments and being an active parishioner. Yet all of these religious works gave her no power to cease from sin and brought her no closer to truly knowing the Lord.
Tired of the hypocrisy and perversion in her own life and in the Catholic Church at large, she cried out in desperation to the Lord and said, “If this is the Church, then I am better off in the world. God, if you are real then I am asking you to reveal yourself to me. If you don’t, then I might just stop believing altogether.” Jesus answered her prayer.
The Lord led her to purchase a Bible as well as other resources, and the Holy Spirit began to open her eyes to His word as she began to study the Scriptures. Since that time, Jesus has taken her on a journey to learn the difference between bondage to religion versus liberty through relationship with Him. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.