Malcom Dunlop is research group leader at RAL Space and Professor at Beihang University. He is a visiting Professor at Warwick University and Imperial College. He has long experience in analysing magnetospheric and ionospheric data and is Co-I on several space missions. His research interests cover: the study of the ring current, field-aligned currents, magnetospheric boundaries, magnetic reconnection and current layers. He is the only individual awarded three special achievement Cluster medals.
Hermann Lühr was Professor of Geophysics at Technical University fo Braunschweig and Senior Scientist at Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ, Potsdam, Germany. He has been (Co-)-PI of several research projects and space missions incl. CHAMP and Swarm; served on various committees and was awaded a series of prestigious medals and prizes. His scientific interests include geomagnetism, magnetospheric/ionospheric physics, plasma physics, current systems, upper atmosphere, space weather, and instrument development.