The Topics have been arranged exactly in accordance to the NCERT books so as to make it 100% convenient to Class 11 and 12 students.
Another new feature added in this Biology edition is the classification of all Chapters in Botany and Zoology as per NEET 2023
The fully solved CBSE Mains papers of 2011 and 2012 (the only Objective CBSE Mains paper held) have also been incorporated in the book topic-wise.
The book contains units as:
Unit 1: Diversity in Living World
Unit 2: Animal Kingdom and Evolution;
Unit 3: Cell Theory and Human Genetics
Unit 4: Plant Morphology and Reproduction
Unit 5: Human Physiology
Unit 6: Health and Disease
Unit 7: Plant Physiology and Ecology
Unit 8: Body Forms and Functions
This book also includes 5 mock tests which will help you to understand the pattern.
This book will be of great help in bringing you understanding the concept of biology and applicability at NEET, AIIMS and other medical entrance examinations.