Weaving Technician is a simple e-Book for ITI Engineering Course Weaving Technician, First & Second Year, Sem- 1,2,3 & 4, Revised Syllabus in 2018, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about types of hand tools, observed the safety precautions during filing, marking, punching and drilling, types’ gauges, types of lathes and its functions, Turning tool grinding, tool setting and job setting, facing and chamfering, plain turning, various types of welding and welding process, electrical and electronic measuring instruments, different textile machineries used in textile industries, machine settings, adjustments; material flow, Calculating Production, Efficiency, important parameters of various machines and their Maintenance, different types of Sizing machines, their parts, functions and their maintenance, types of reed & heald wire and their use, Prepare Point Paper for basic and modified weave types, various weaving loom, their classification and Perform primary, secondary & auxiliary motion of loom using weaving machines, Calculate loom constant, Production and efficiency Timing Diagram, Fabric quality parameters, types of Projectile loom, Rapier loom, Air-jet loom and operate and lots more.