Mathilde begrijpt niet wat er mis is met haar. Soms zit ze dagenlang zwijgend voor zich uit te staren. Andere keren wordt ze zomaar boos — alsof de bliksem inslaat, in haar hoofd.
Dat betert wel als jij straks een kind hebt, sust haar man Freduwijn, de klokkenmaker. Maar helaas.
Als baby Floortje huilt, legt Mathilde het kind onderin de grote klok en gaat ze zelf een poosje buiten zitten, waar het stil is. Zo blijft ze de bliksems de baas.
Tot een fatale zomerstorm en een nachtegaal alles voor altijd veranderen.
Marc Terreur is a Flemish writer of children's books. He invites kids to make friends with Hare Halfway and Bookie Bear; Flory Nightingale; and soon also The Last Avocardo, and Little Verity Firefly.
But that's not all. Marc Terreur is also a luthier and guitar tech, blogger, singer, songwriter, musician, and screenwriter. Being none of those solely, he is all of them at once.
As a guitar craftsman, he enjoys a solid reputation built on three decades of experience and dedication. He has clients from Belgium and the Netherlands, but also from Canada and the USA. His custom-built guitars have received highly praised reviews.
In the 1990s, he was a freelance contributor to the Belgian music magazines Stage and MeetMusic. In this capacity, he wrote instrument and amp reviews and did a series on acoustics (the science).
Marc's love for guitars and teaching led to the Understanding Guitars website and blog in 2015 and 2016. The blog was discontinued due to lack of time, but the posts—bundled and updated—are available as a book (paperback, e-book).
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