With 12 chapters written by 22 contributors, the book offers international reflections. The first part of the book focuses on innovation management strategies and analyzes the importance of innovation as the key driver of sustained success in the tourism industry. Tourism and hospitality firms develop innovations with specific objectives and goals in mind and have several approaches to measure performance accordingly. The second part of the book focuses on knowledge sharing through case studies. Chapters analyze the knowledge sharing process and its impact on the innovation capability and innovation performance of the firms. The essence of knowledge sharing is to provide a framework for management in their attempt to develop and enhance their organizational capability to innovate in tourism.
This invaluable book provides both theoretical and practical insights into innovation strategies and knowledge sharing in tourism. It will interest students, scholars and researchers, as well as executives and practitioners in the field of tourism and hospitality management.
Marco Valeri received his PhD in Strategic Management and Organizational Behavior from "Tor Vergata" University, Italy. He is Associate Professor in Organizational Behavior at Faculty of Economics, Niccolò Cusano University, Italy. He is a Lecturer in Applied Organizational Behaviour, Xenophon College, UK. He is Visiting Professor at University of Information Science and Technology (UIST) "St. Paul The Apostle", Macedonia. He is Adjunct Professor at Faculty of Social Sciences and Leisure Management, School of Hospitality, Tourism and Events, Taylor’s University, Malaysia. He is Associate Researcher in Strategy, Magellan Research Center, School of Management, Iaelyon Business School, Jean Monet University, France. He is Honorary Associate Professor, University of Pannonia, Hungary. His teaching and consultancy fields include strategic management, leadership development, cross-cultural management and international hospitality management. His research areas include sustainability and green practices, strategy implementation, knowledge management, family business, crisis management, information technology and network analysis. He has a long and extensive international academic experience and has taken visiting positions in several universities. He is a member of several Editorial Boards of international tourism journals, a reviewer and editor of several handbooks on entrepreneurship, tourism and hospitality management.