A happily married suburban housewife with two children, Margaret Powell gradually entered a life of causes. After leading a land preservation campaign, being twice elected Republican Committeewoman, she joined the Pennsylvania Program for Women Offenders, Inc. There she brought together statewide women’s organizations to lobby succsessfully for systemic change in the state’s correctional system resulting in a viable sentencing alternative: Community Treatment Centers for Women. She was appointed to the Governor's Justice Commission, joined the boards of Phoenix House in Bryn Mawr, the Main Line Cluster for Justice, and eventually became President of the Board of Managers of Sleighton Farms School, a juvenile correctional facility. After fifteen years in Vermont, she and her pilot husband Dick, currently reside in Florida. She is a member of the American Association of University Women, PEO, The League of Women Voters, Guardian Ad Litem, and Women for Women, Intl.