The World Yearbook of Education 2009 volume provides comprehensive research from Asia-Pacific, the Americas, the African region and European communities and is presented with a special focus on education. It examines childhood from birth to twelve years of age, across institutional contexts and within both poor majority and rich minority countries. Cultural-historical theory has been used as the framework for investigating and providing insights into how childhood is theorized, politicized, enacted, and lived across these communities. A range of theoretical orientations informs this book, including cultural-historical theory, ecological theory, and cross-cultural research.
The World Yearbook of Education 2009 volume is organized into 3 sections:
Section 1: Examines the global construction of childhood development and learning
Section 2: Discusses the local conditions and global imperatives that arise from a broadly based analysis of the studies presented within this section
Section 3: Draws upon cultural-historical theory and ecological theory and brings together the themes explored throughout the preceding two sections.
The World Yearbook of Education 2009 volume seeks to make visible the cultural-historical construction of childhood and development across the north-south regions and scrutinizes the policy imperatives that have maintained the global colonization of families.
Marilyn Fleer is Professor of Early Childhood Education and Foundation Chair at Monash University, Australia. She is also the Centre Research Director for the Centre for Childhood Studies.
Mariane Hedegaard is a Professor and Leader of the Centre for Person, Practice, Development, and Culture (PPUK) at the Department of Psychology, Copenhagen University.
Jonathan Tudge is a Professor in the Department of Human Development and Family Studies at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA.