Felix Gomez, Latino vampire detective extraordinaire, tackles a sexy werewolf cabal in Werewolf Smackdown, the fifth installment in Mario Acevedo’s satirical supernatural series. The author’s wonderfully twisted blend of comedy, horror, and detective noir—expertly flourished in such books as The Nymphos of Rocky Flat and Jailbait Zombie—places him in the august company of Eric “Anonymous Rex” Garcia and Christopher “Bloodsucking Fiends” Moore, while earning him raves from coast to coast. The Baltimore Sun calls Acevedo’s novels, “decidedly good, unclean, unwholesome fun,” while author and fan J.A. Konrath calls them, “a smooth combination of Anne Rice and Michael Connelly, with a generous portion of Dave Barry.”
Mario Acevedo is the bestselling author of The Nymphos of Rocky Flats, X-Rated Bloodsuckers, The Undead Kama Sutra, and Jailbait Zombie. He lives and writes in Denver, Colorado.