Focusing on the themes of knowledge/experience, agency, and power, and discussing some pertinent ethical issues such as deception, the narrative of the book moves through a number of performance practices: dance, theatre, music, stage magic, and (perhaps surprisingly) philosophy. These are used as sources for metaphors to think about technology—in particular contemporary devices and machines—and as interfaces to bring in various theories that are not usually employed in philosophy of technology. The result is a sequence of gestures and movements towards a performance-oriented conceptual framework for a thinking about technology which, liberated from the static, vision-centred, and dualistic metaphors offered by traditional philosophy, can do more justice to the phenomenology of our daily embodied, social, kinetic, temporal, and narrative performances with technology, our technoperformances.
This book will appeal to scholars of philosophy of technology and performance studies who are interested in reconceptualizing the roles and impact of modern technology.
Mark Coeckelbergh is Full Professor of Philosophy (Philosophy of Media and Technology) at the University of Vienna and part-time Professor of Technology and Social Responsibility at De Montfort University, UK. He is President of the Society for Philosophy and Technology, member of the High Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence of the European Commission, and member of the Robotics Council that advises the Austrian Federal Transport, Innovation, and Technology administration. He also contributes to ethics work of IEEE and the Foundation for Responsible Robotics.
An experienced book writer and researcher, he is the author of 9 monographs, including Growing Moral Relations (2012), Human Being @ Risk (2013), Environmental Skill (Routledge, 2015), Money Machines (2015), New Romantic Cyborgs (2017), and Using Words and Things (Routledge, 2017).